Friday, June 18, 2010

Let's see, it's Friday. If I stick to a traditional MWF schedule, that means you're all due an update. Of course, I think the first update came on a Thursday. . .drat. Well, whatevs yo.

No five page essay today. Just general musings. First off, the US got SCREWED today. We best beat Algeria so it doesn't matter. Still, good to have the US back being player (even if minor) in the World Cup. 2006 didn't go so hot.

Secondly, I did some reading yesterday, and found out that I will never be an astronaut, at least not on the International Space Station. Surprising and gut-wrenching news to be sure. Could I not hack the science? Likely, but not the reason. Scared of flying, especially to space? Not that I know of, though admittedly I've never flown. No, the problem comes in that I am a bit of a messy eater. And, in space, you have to catch all your crumbs in a baggie so it doesn't gum up the filters and other inner workings of the station. I would never get all my crumbs, so I'd probably cause us all to suffocate or even bring the station on an unplanned visit back to Earth. And not like the kind of visit where you stay for a couple days, think that was fun, and then never go back. This is more the kind of visit where everybody hurtles to certain fiery doom before crashing (best-case scenario) into the ocean. What a downer.

Thirdly, um. . .well, the number three did always suck, so I'm skipping that one.

Fourthly, if he happens to read this, congrats again, Tanner. I am very happy for you, and selfishly even more happy that your reception has given us all reason to come back and get the old team back together, or at least some of the major pieces. I'm really excited about that. The disc team really was one of the best things in my life, especially those years before everybody graduated and I became the old goat.

Fifthly, and most important, because five is the best number, I miss living in Indy, or at least working in Indiana, because it means I can't take off for an Indians game in the middle of the week. I really miss being able to go from work, make a short drive downtown, grab a $13 ticket to sit in the first couple rows, and watch some good baseball. The Pirates have really grown on me, because all the guys I watched that summer are now on the big ballclub, so they kind of bring back some good feelings. Plus, I really think I'm drawn to terrible teams. Or cursed teams.

Thanks for reading folks, hopefully I'll back on Monday.

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