Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's late. . .

. . .but my internet wasn't working right earlier. I also had a bigger blog planned, but the computer ate it. Not a great night for technology. But, it's Wednesday, and I have a schedule, dammit.

First off, for those that seemed surprised, this space will not always be so depressed. I also wasn't as depressed as the previous posts sounded. Don't worry, I'm not ready to jump off the ledge yet.

For Friday, I think I'm going to write some sort of short story to post here. I haven't done any straight fiction for some time. I think it's about time I picked that back up.

And as for the sports, U-S-A won Group C, gave Algeria what was coming to them (totally lost respect for that team after one of them hauled off and smacked a female reporter after the game). I kind of would've liked to have seen Slovenia move on instead of England, but the way that game unfolded, I'm not going to get too picky.

So, check back on Friday. Let's see if I've still got any real creativity between the ears.

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