Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You suckers thought this blog was dead, but it's a phoenix, baby! Back from the ashes!

Ahem. . .yeah, so I'm really not very good at this blogging thing.


I've been doing some thinking lately, though. I've got this idea for a documentary. Now, I don't know the first thing about making movies. I wrote some plays for a class, and I thought they were pretty decent. I've written a boatload of stories (none recently, though, sadly) and essays. I really need to do more of that. It's something I really enjoy and I've gotten so far away from it.

Back to my movie, though. I just think it would be terribly interesting. I'd like to take somebody I know, maybe Nelson or Spencer, somebody with some quality theater experience. And I would like to give them a camera, a microphone, and set them loose around Covington. Have them talk to people who knew me in high school, interview people, classmates, teachers, coaches, other townspeople. I wouldn't give them a whole lot of direction, just maybe point out "Okay, there's this person, and I we were close/acquaintances/knew of each other, find out what they thought/think of me." Cobble that together, and then talk to some people I knew at Wabash. I think the difference between the interviews would be extraordinary, and, I don't know, but it seems like it would make pretty good theater to see how different a place, a fresh start, makes a person. And, hey, maybe I'll learn something from the high school interviews. I think I've got a good idea what the Wabash-portion would bring.

But the high school portion, I don't really know what kind of reputation I really had. I'm guessing people would say that I was smart, maybe a bit weird. Quiet, I suppose. I might find out something interesting, or even useful.

I'm just talking, I'm sure. Not a big surprise, but I have a lot of ideas, most of which don't get followed up on. I kind of feel like the piece I read about Ted Turner earlier today. 100 ideas a day, 2 of them good. The difference being, of course, Ted Turner had money where he could just drop everything and make something happen. And damn if he didn't hit some home runs with TBS and CNN. That'll help your bank account, too. Maybe I should've have this idea when I was at 'Bash, I could probably do everything for free. Maybe I was too busy being bitter about high school when I did bother to think about it. I know I surprised myself when writing a couple essays when the vitriol poured forth. I think I've come to terms with it, though.

Then again, maybe I haven't. Maybe that's where this idea came from. For whatever crazy reason, I feel like I need some closure with Covington. Maybe. Again, I ramble. Feel free to leave your comments on this idea, I think I've said too much.